Hair Transplant
Let the Journey Begin

Hair restoration is a journey, Plan it right, to get it right
Satya’s Balanced Hair Transplant is the most optimised & rational approach to maximise results with minimum donor & medicine use.

Balanced Hair Transplant
(Medicine, Donor & PRP)
We respect your resources
overuse of any will topple the tripod down

Repair done with natural hair transplant
Are you a victim of bad hair transplant? Don’t lose hope, we are here to help you!
A transplant result gone wrong, not only cheats you financially, but also snatches away your confidence, self esteem, along with your time and faith in this procedure. A repair hair transplant is extremely challenging both for the surgeon as well as the patient. It needs an experienced surgeon who has commanded mastery over all the various techniques of hair restoration, like FUT, FUE, body hair implant, synthetic fibre implant, SMP etc. Another quality to look for in a surgeon, is his intent to help you out of your current situation as well as his honesty to give you a reality check and then proceed further with realistic and sustainable expectations.
Satya is a global pioneer in repair hair transplant surgery. To our credit we have performed more than 1500+ repair transplant surgeries successfully till date.
Here we are presenting one such interesting case of ours. He is one of those patients who became victim to the ill results produced by punch grafting which was a very commonly performed old technique of hair transplant & was popular around 25 years back. At that time a lot of patients got this done. Mukteshwar was one of those patients.
These punches were prone to give a paddy field appearance and look very unnatural. Another problem in such cases is that there is a lot of scarring both in the donor as well as recipient area, which makes the correction surgery even more difficult.
Mukteshwar tried a lot to get these unnatural looking grafts removed & repaired but could not find any clinic or surgeon whom he could trust. Most of the clinics refused to do his surgery & said it is impossible to repair his case.
He had lived in this condition for almost 25 years & had kind of learnt to live with this & had given up the hope of any improvement until he met Dr Shail Gupta at Satya clinic.
One of his acquaintances had the same punch graft repair surgery done at Satya clinic, which gave a ray of hope to him. He came to us with a little hope but after meeting Dr. Shail Gupta, he was convinced that this is the place & this is the surgeon who can do a miracle & change his life.
The surgery was planned in 2 phases as it was a complicated surgery. The donor was badly affected & we did not want to put the entire donor at stake in one go.
STAGE 1 :- We did MHT (Maximum Harvest Technique),a combination of FUT & FUE in Stage 1.
FUT gives us the option to get a good number of grafts without compromising the density in the donor area. Here, 2000 grafts were taken by FUT strip and 800 grafts were taken by FUE.
The plugs of punch grafts were extracted carefully while doing his hairline repair correction, taking care that we could both extract as well as reuse them. At the same time, we had to ensure that there was minimal scarring.
The grafts were planted in the frontal hairline, some in the crown & mostly on the parting line so as to get maximum coverage with the minimum resources the patient had.
STAGE 2:- Few months later we did 2400 FUE grafts including scalp & beard to fill the remaining areas. This session enabled us to give our patient a decent coverage with moderate density. The scarring was also a major concern, but the frontal area healed pretty well and we did some sessions of SCARLITE LASER treatment for him to reduce the appearance of scarring further.
4 months after the surgery you can see significant changes and an amazing transformation.
Repair surgeries are always challenging & one should only choose a surgeon who is competent & confident in a variety of techniques like FUT, FUE, Body hair implant, synthetic implants, SMP etc as only a single technique is not going to work in such cases where the donor is already depleted. It is also important to place these minimal number of grafts strategically so as to reap the maximum benefits.
Repair surgeries need skills, knowledge, art, experience & above all the intent to help the patient come out of that mindset with the power of belief & trust. Dr. Shaiil Gupta, being a motivational speaker and a subconscious beta healer, not just transforms such patients but also try to inspire them emotionally and spiritually.
You will see such cases of repair hair transplants, but in many of them it is just finasteride which works more than the skills of the surgeon or sometimes even the hair transplant.
So never make the mistake of comparing the finasteride boosted result with a pure hair transplant result. Otherwise you end up paying more than the actual work and the capability of your surgeon.
That’s why people across the globe choose & trust SATYA CLINIC for their repair hair transplants.

First step towards your hair restoration journey
Our step-by-step hair transplant journey will transform your appearance & boost your confidence with natural looking & long-lasting results.


1st Surgery Follow up
1Day post op

4 Months Follow up

7 Months Follow up

2nd Surgery Follow up
1Day Post OP

15 Days Follow up

3 Months Follow up

5 Months Follow up