Hair Transplant
Let the Journey Begin

Hair restoration is a journey, Plan it right, to get it right
Satya’s Balanced Hair Transplant is the most optimised & rational approach to maximise results with minimum donor & medicine use.

Balanced Hair Transplant
(Medicine, Donor & PRP)
We respect your resources
overuse of any will topple the tripod down

High-grade baldness covered with MHT Technique
Hair transplant in high grade baldness patients is very challenging & as we know we have limited resources in terms of medicines, PRP & donor hair; one should always use these resources thoughtfully & keeping the interests of patient in mind.
Mr. Shahwar had grade 5 baldness almost going into 6. In such cases MHT (Maximum Harvest Technique) gives best results. MHT technique has been devised by Dr. Shail Gupta, where we get the benefits of both FUT & FUE, without compromising the donor density.
FUT gives us a major chunk of grafts from the safe donor zone & FUE gives us the grafts of choice which we can place at strategically important areas.
We did 2500 grafts by FUT & 1500 grafts by FUE. The surgery was done on 2 consecutive days to make it comfortable for the patient & at the same time making the surgery & graft survival more effective.
As you can see in the post op pictures the graft placement is shown, which includes a nice temple creation on both the sides, which is actually very important part of hair line design. A good number of grafts were also put in the crown area, breaking the myth that hair don’t grow in the crown area or it can’t be done in single session.
These lies propagate because of the fact that 99.99% clinics are doing only FUE surgery & if you don’t combine FUT & FUE, you don’t get the desired number.
There is another issue which people probably don’t realise or understand as no-one is talking about this. Actual results of hair transplant which you see on internet or websites are not purely transplant results. Most of the cases which you see, are also given Minoxidil & finasteride after transplant. These medicines especially finasteride which is a DHT blocker improves the existing miniatured hair significantly and the result is counted as a transplant result.
This can give a false hope to the patient, and they can presume that this can be done in their cases also. One must know that the growth which they are getting because of finasteride, will vanish completely once the patient stops taking finasteride.
These results which you are watching on internet and are getting mesmerised, won’t last long. Because as soon as the patient stops taking finasteride, they will disappear & the actual hair transplant result will become visible.
The entire area seems to be nicely covered & the other issue which is also blown out of proportion strategically, that is the scar of FUT. If you take a careful look the scar of FUT surgery is hardly visible because of trichophytic closure. It seems very insignificant and is hardly visible even in 15 days post op pictures.
FUE is also not a scarless surgery as seen in the pictures. So it is very important for a patient to understand these facts thoughtfully.
In such cases if only FUE surgery is done then obviously we don’t get enough number of grafts and it is really not possible & when you see the donor you understand this easily. Look at the donor pictures when we took out a number as small as 1500 there is significant depletion of donor. 2500 grafts we got by FUT, which didn’t have any impact on the density of remaining area. Just imagine what would have happened, had we done the entire 4000 number by FUE alone. That won’t have been possible. Or if somebody actually does it, it will be a disaster as we will have to take major number from the unsafe donor zone & over extraction will also come into picture, which can seriously deplete the donor.

First step towards your hair restoration journey
Our step-by-step hair transplant journey will transform your appearance & boost your confidence with natural looking & long-lasting results.

Immediate post op

1Day Post Op

15 Day Post Op

5 Month Post Op

10 Month Post Op

Post Pictures

Our Successful Transformation