Hair Transplant
Let the Journey Begin

Hair restoration is a journey, Plan it right, to get it right
Satya’s Balanced Hair Transplant is the most optimised & rational approach to maximise results with minimum donor & medicine use.

Balanced Hair Transplant
(Medicine, Donor & PRP)
We respect your resources
overuse of any will topple the tripod down

Hair Transplant of a Hair Transplant surgeon
Grade 3 baldness, also known as moderate hair loss, is characterized by significant hair thinning and recession of the hairline. Hair transplantation is a popular and effective treatment option for individuals with this condition. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the balding areas.
A 28-year-old male patient presented with grade 3 baldness, displaying a receding hairline and noticeable thinning in the frontal and temporal regions. The patient expressed concerns about his appearance and desired a natural-looking hairline. After a thorough consultation, the patient opted for FUE hair transplantation with 2000 grafts, without the use of finasteride medication.
The extracted grafts were carefully sorted and prepared for transplantation.
The recipient sites were created in a manner that would mimic the patient's natural hairline using Satya's mimic nature hairline technique. The hair follicles were then implanted in the recipient sites with precision, ensuring proper angulation and density to achieve a natural appearance.
Satya's mimic nature hairline technique resulted in a successful hair restoration outcome after 7 months. The patient achieved a natural-looking hairline, improved hair density, and minimal scarring. This case highlights the efficacy of FUE and the importance of personalized hairline design in achieving patient satisfaction in hair transplant procedures.

First step towards your hair restoration journey
Our step-by-step hair transplant journey will transform your appearance & boost your confidence with natural looking & long-lasting results.