Hair Transplant
Let the Journey Begin

Hair restoration is a journey, Plan it right, to get it right
Satya’s Balanced Hair Transplant is the most optimised & rational approach to maximise results with minimum donor & medicine use.

Balanced Hair Transplant
(Medicine, Donor & PRP)
We respect your resources
overuse of any will topple the tripod down

Hair Transplant of a Hair Transplant surgeon
Different grade of baldness require different grade of attention. Patients with baldness above grade 5 need to be counselled on what to expect. This an important part of treatment as not knowing the difference between reality and expectation leads to a dissatisfied patient in spite of all the hard work done on him.
A large number of grafts were required to cover the concerned areas. We also recommend medicinal support in such cases where finasteride helps not only the transplanted hair but the existing hair as well. But what makes us different is that we prescribe only a minimum dose of finasteride so that side effects, tolerance and dependence are kept to a minimum.
A combination of fun and fut were performed and the grafts placed artistically on the hairline, temples, front and the crown as well.
Placement of a large number f grafts requires great skill and precision, especially in the crown area. All this was done with relative case by our team. Investment of large number of grafts is like an exam for us all well. And like everyone else, we too wait for our results eagerly. We came out with flying clouds in this one.

First step towards your hair restoration journey
Our step-by-step hair transplant journey will transform your appearance & boost your confidence with natural looking & long-lasting results.