Hair Transplant
Let the Journey Begin

Hair restoration is a journey, Plan it right, to get it right
Satya’s Balanced Hair Transplant is the most optimised & rational approach to maximise results with minimum donor & medicine use.

Balanced Hair Transplant
(Medicine, Donor & PRP)
We respect your resources
overuse of any will topple the tripod down

Unbelievable Hair Transplant Grade 5
A young patient with grade 5 baldness with loss of hair, receding hairline, temporal recession and significant thinning of the crown area as well. We took the pictures without shaving the head so that an actual difference could be seen later.
The patient was suggested 2800 grafts keeping in mind his age and his donor status. As the number of grafts was 2800 which could have been retrieved from both FUE and FUT techniques in his case. However, the method chosen by the patient was FUE. Since he chose FUE, so it was made clear to him that The surgery was done smoothly without any hiccups and the patient was immensely satisfied. Regular follow-up was done by our team and the patient was free to clear any doubts after the surgery.
In the 14 days post op pictures, we can see the scars healing well and a proper hairline is visible which has been designed by our team keeping his facial aesthetics in mind.
The 7 months pictures show what a dramatic change can be brought about by hair transplant if done properly. No one, even his close friends, can say that a transplant has been done.
The hairline looks perfectly natural. A very good density has been achieved and the patient looks visibly transformed. This has led to an increase in the confidence of the patient. And it gave us immense satisfaction, that we could bring about a positive change in the life of our patient.

First step towards your hair restoration journey
Our step-by-step hair transplant journey will transform your appearance & boost your confidence with natural looking & long-lasting results.