Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a method that can help you grow a fuller head of hair with results that look natural if you’re considering a hair transplant can come to Satya Hair Solutions in Delhi, India.

Board-certified medical director Dr. Shaiil Gupt, MD, and his group of world-class transplantation specialists provide HHR’s exclusive ProGrowth Combination FUE hair transplant to eligible patients as part of their hair restoration services. In contrast to the conventional “strip” method, Dr. Shaiil Gupta and his world-class team of grafting experts surgically remove and transfer follicular unit grafts during an FUE operation, leaving nearly no trace of the process behind.

Less suffering, more benefit

Following a FUE hair transplant surgery, there is less pain than with earlier hair replacement techniques. Long-acting anaesthetics are used to numb your scalp throughout the process, and most of our patients find that the night after their procedure, over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers such as Tylenol or acetaminophen are sufficient. After a day, almost all patients say they are pain-free. If Tylenol isn’t sufficient, Dr. Shaiil Gupta does offer a little dose of prescription pain medicine. During and after the surgery, his main concern is your well-being. 

FUE provides you with incredible results for thicker, fuller hair!

Did you know that up to 99% of grafts survive when using HHR’s exclusive ProGrowth Combination FUE technique? Is 90–95% FUE the standard? Contrast that with the 75% survival rate of hair restoration with follicular unit transplantation (FUT)—also referred to as the “strip” method. Because the exact harvesting technique used in FUE results in less damage to your hair follicles during the harvesting process and more healthy hair after you recover, the process creates fuller, thicker hair.  

Increased self-assurance

Your confidence may suffer significantly and negatively if you lose your hair. In actuality, hair loss can cause anxiety, despair, and other emotional disorders in addition to affecting your self-esteem. Having hair restoration via HHR’s exclusive ProGrowth Combination FUE might help you regain the confidence you sorely need. Furthermore, because Dr. Shaiil Gupta is aware of the psychological effects that hair loss can have, our staff offers support before, during, and following your treatment. Speaking from personal experience, Dr. Shaiil Gupta has had the procedure performed.

Minimal or negligible scarring

Although FUT helps you regrow hair, the process leaves you with a visible linear scar, particularly if you wish to or currently have short hair. Scarring, if any, is invisible since the extraction sites used in the FUE method are minuscule—less than or equal to one millimetre. After your surgery, the removed areas heal completely and leave no visible scars! In just a few days! 

Office protocol

Dr. Shaiil Gupta and our transplanting specialists at Satya Hair Solution finish your FUE in-office using NeoGraft®. Since local anaesthetic is used for the whole hair transplant procedure, you can drive yourself to and from your appointment. Additionally, you are not burdened by the additional expenses, dangers, or hassles that accompany more invasive procedures like FUT.

Quicker recuperation

You may repair your hair with NeoGraft transplanted hair with FUE without taking weeks off for rehabilitation. In one to two days, you can return to most of your regular daily activities. There won’t be any sutures or staples to worry about, and the bandage is taken off temporarily 24 to 48 hours following the treatment. As your scalp heals and your hair grows, you will need to follow certain cleaning and care suggestions, but these are simple and convenient.

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