Based on which facts are you choosing your hair transplant Clinic? What is influencing your decision?
- Celebrity – most of the clinics use this strategy for marketing. Most of the time these are paid endorsements which can be misleading. The results are shown mostly with make-up or some sort of camouflage to make it look good, which may not be the case. You cannot validate the results because you don’t see them. All that glitters is not gold.

2- referral from a friend- could be 90% medicine and 10% skill

3- Cost- donor and your health or more precious
4- Endorsements from different platforms- could be financially motivated
5- Proximity to your place- traveling can save you from future embarrassment and harassment
6- Some fancy name of FUE technique- which you think is an innovation or some sort of patent, which a doctor/ Clinic has achieved which is groundbreaking and going to give you excellent results. Half of your energy is wasted in trying to find out the difference which does not exist. Rather than falling prey. To such marketing techniques. You should focus on the actual alternative methods available which have actual advantages over FUE.
7. Maximum Density & coverage- without even knowing that this could prove dangerous later on because you are being asked to invest the assets which you didn’t even count. That is your donor and your health (which is taken for toss by maximum dose of medicine).

Facts on the basis of which your decision should be taken are-
- Seek for real results- a place where you can actually trust that the results which you are seeing her because of skill not medicine
- Transparency.- The important facts are revealed beforehand empowering you to take an informed decision.
- Multiple sessions of PRP are required
- Medicine (Finasteride) is given to transplant patients only to sustain existing hair
- FUT is an old outdated technique
- FUE is the latest scarless surgery
- FUE by fancy names can produce better results
- Finasteride can be easily stopped after taking it for 6 months to a year post transplant.
- Grade 7 baldness can be completely filled with high density and coverage by transplant
- FUE alone can fill high grade baldness
- Hair transplant results are permanent
- Donor area hair follicles are DHT resistant.
Our Results at a Glance

Facts on the basis of which your decision should be taken are-
- Seek for real results- a place where you can actually trust that the results which you are seeing her because of skill not medicine
- Transparency.- The important facts are revealed beforehand empowering you to take an informed decision.
- Experience to deal with possible mishaps – Although ischaemic necrosis is a very rare complication which can happen one in lakhs of patience but still it is a remote possibility and an experienced surgeon should know how to handle it and then how to improve it taking all the precautions.

- Skill to do and deal with difficult repair cases.

Balanced hair transplant is the most customized and detailed approach in the hair transplant industry which meets all these needs

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5. Experience of multiple and various types of treatments including FUT, FUE Hair implant, and scalp micro pigmentation.
6. A surgeon who knows how to balance their resources, including medicine, donor usage, and
PRP so that long-term sustenance can be obtained without putting these resources and your health in danger.