cost of hair transplant
 Going into a hair transplant absolutely requires a personalized approach based on each individual’s own situation In-person examinations are so important, especially when big graft numbers are being thrown around online. Rushing into anything with a set number of grafts already in mind sounds risky. The doctors need to fully evaluate you first to see what’s realistic and safest.4000-5000 grafts does seem extremely high just based on pictures alone. I’d be skeptical of any place promising those kinds of results without a thorough examination.
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There are donor limitations when it comes to hair transplant and can only truly be assessed physically. No photo can substitute the actual feeling of the donor area in person.

Factors like scalp elasticity that determine FUT hair transplant eligibility also need a hands-on check. Online estimates shouldn’t substitute the doctors screening you properly for the right technique.

Different techniques have pros and cons for different people based on things like age, donor area health, etc. What’s best for someone else may not be best for you.


Getting your hopes up for big numbers only to find out less is possible could certainly lead to feeling misled or cheated. Better to go in with realistic expectations set by an in-person consultation.The role of ongoing medication mostly in clinics patients are literally forced to take 1MG finasteride daily after hair transplant At Satya Hair Solutions, There is always customization of medicine dosage straight away. 1mg finasteride is not given. Long-term care plans matter. Hope you got the solution for How many grafts shall I go for grade 3 AGA?

Use the number or email provided if you have any questions or to schedule a hair transplant in Delhi. Please visit our website to find out more about our offerings and patient testimonials.


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