How Much Does a 3000 Graft Hair Transplant Cost in India?

For 3000 hair grafts, the average hair transplant cost in India is 87,500 INR. The cost of a hair transplant procedure often varies slightly between clinics.
A Comprehensive Guide to Finasteride Usage in Hair Loss

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
Is it Possible to Regrowth a Receding Hairline?

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
Which Eyebrow Treatment Is Best?

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
A Brief Guide to Male Pattern Baldness: From Hairline to Hair Loss

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
What’s the best age for hair transplant Surgery?

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
What is a (GFC) hair growth factor concentrate?

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
10 Common Questions Regarding Hair Transplantation

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
Ways to Use High Density Hair Transplant To Get The Ideal Density?

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.
Hair Transplant Complications: How to Avoid Them

Hair follicles are taken out of the donor location and placed into the recipient’s site during a hair transplant.